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Sore Hocks or Scabies

22 11:12:48

Hi thanks for your reply.
My rabbit is a short hair breed. He does not live in a cage but lives in door with us and occuy a small room, confined in a play pen. During the day when I am out at work, he will be left in the room with his litter pan, (which is initally the cage) and some toys, cushion, hiding houses etc. The flooring that he is living would be our house ceramic tiles, which is hard and smooth.

During the evening when I am back, I will open the play pen and let him out to roam about. Most of the time, he will come out and choose a spot outside the plan pan and laze around there, busy grooming or just relaxing with his hind legs stretch. He is not an active rabbit. With that, will he still get sore hocks?

Is there a reason why it may not be scabies? I read that scabies also create bare hairless spot with white skin covering the spot. I just need to figure out the difference.

Also, how to treat sore hocks without oral/injectable antibiotics?  Does baby nappy rash works well for sore hocks that are not opened wound?

My friend told me to just clean the spot regularly and wait for the scarp to dry and drop off on its own. Is this accurate?

Followup To

Question -
Hi, I have a rabbit that weights 2.6mg, he is a local Dutch marking rabbit. Is that consider over weight?

He has developed 2 open circular bared sore on the heels on each leg. Is this Sore Hocks or is this Scabies?  I read that they both can affect the feet. How do I know what is it on my rabbit now?

The skin is inflammed, and has a thick white skin at the side of the bare circular area. I didnt see any yellowish pus but I saw whitish stuff, is that pus?

Besides poking it with a sterilize needle, any other ways to drain pus?

If oral antibiotic is not tolerable,what about injectable antibiotic? My rabbit always refuse acidophilis and is hard to make him take it.

How come my other bunnies friends who have worse toilet bedding, living condiion but they don;t get these sore hocks/fungus

what should I do now?  I have this cream called Bactron is it good? Should I use the Haemarriod Pre H cream, can i use it?

is antibitic a must?  Can i subsitute it with altenatives such as goldenseal extract, neem powder etc.

Answer -
It seems you are describing sore hocks. This can occur in any breed or size of rabbit. Dutch should weigh 3 1/2 -5 1/2 lbs. This is the american rabbit breeders association recomended size and allowed size for showing.
It can happen to bunnies living in the cleanest environment. Sore hocks can be a genetic or can just be gotten by rough cage surfaces. If the rabbit is in a solid floored cage with shavings, you may want to put something solid like a wood block in with it to set on. I would recomend diper rash cream for babies. This is what i use on mine, and it disappears pretty quick. hope this helps

I have not heard of scabies, so I wouldn't be able to tell you how to determine if it is scabies or sore hocks. Maybe a vet culture? If you treat it with the cream, and make sure his feet don't get dirty at all, and it still doesn't heal, you may want to have a vet look over it. This is the only sure way to determine what it really  is causing this. With the floors being solid and smooth, it must not be that causing it. Sorry i could not have helped more.