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rabbit without her tail....

22 10:53:31

I bought 2 8 week old bunnies yesterday and one of them 'Cookie' hasnt got a tail. I have also noticed that she has got diaorreha and is not cleaning herself. Could this be due to stress or is she sick. Both bunnies are not eating, but i have seen them drinking a little. Patch my 9 month old bunny died 4 days ago of Pneumonia and i do not want this to happen to Cookie and Whisky. Thanks, Abbie

Dear Abbie,

Please read this right away:

and get both bunnies to a good rabbit vet immediately for treatment:

Diarrhea/runny stool in a baby rabbit is extremely serious, and if both babies are not eating, they might both be sick.  It's better to start treatment *before* they show symptoms, and there is no time to waste.  Diarrhea can kill quickly i f not treated promptly in babies.

Please waste no time in getting both babies to a good rabbit vet NOW.  I hope they will be fine soon!
