Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > a cyst-like bump on his testicle

a cyst-like bump on his testicle

22 11:05:50

Sorry , i also have one more question that i like to ask you , Since I've seen this bump , I have been thinking maybe it would just be a good idea to get him neutered so in the future he will always be healthy and i wont be worried about him getting testicle cancer...
I was wondering if getting him neutered would change his personality , I would hate for that to happen ....
And is any rabbit at risk when getting this operation done ?I'm also very worried about something happening to him if he gets surgery as i don't know his age?
The text above is a follow-up to ...

Hi ,
I adopted my rabbit from the S.P.C.A he is a dwarf rabbit and i have no idea how old he is, i have had him for about 2 years and iam pretty sure he is fully grown .
I noticed a bump on his testicle about a year ago that has not gotten any bigger or smaller ..i think ......
Iam wondering what i should do ? Should i get him neutered now when i don't even know how old he is ?
Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated
Dear Stephanie,

If the bump has been there for a long time without changing, it might not be anything to worry about.  But it *should* be seen by a good rabbit vet to be sure:

Your vet can do a full wellness check and determine whether your bunny is a good surgical candidate.  If he's neutered,you can take him on a "blind date" to your local rabbit rescuer and let him pick out a spayed female to be his lifelong pal.  (Shame on the local ASPCA for adopting out unneutered rabbits!  I'm glad this one ended up with you, and is getting good care.)  You can find your local rabbit rescue group here:
I hope this helps.


Dear Stephanie,

No surgery is 100% risk-free.  But a good, experienced rabbit vet should be able to do this operation with minimal risk.  I would recommend bloodwork and a full health check first, to be sure your bunny is a reasonable surgical risk.  And you can find a good vet here:

It's hard to say if his personality will change.  He will be calmer, and less sexually motivated.  But how much of that is what you perceive as his "personality" is hard to say.  Most of the rabbit's I've known have not had major personality changes after neutering, though a very few have.

I wish I could help you predict the future...but unfortunately that's not possible.  You need to weigh the pros and cons, and then let your vet help you decide what's best for your pal.

I hope this helps.
