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Dwarf Bunny with eye problems

22 10:32:04

I have a dwarf bunny that is approximately 9 months old. He's white with pink eyes and a few months ago, we noticed that a whitish, cloudy spot was starting to form around his pupil and it seems to be growing and no it has almost a cauliflower-like appearance, but its not raised. Only scant amt of clear discharge, nothing to cause me alarm. He recently had some loose stools, but that seemed to go away.

Dear Stephanie,

If this is on the surface of the eye, it sounds like a corneal ulcer.  This is not only painful, but can develop into infection that may affect the vision in the eye.

He definitely needs to be seen by a rabbit-savvy vet, and preferably a veterinary ophthalmologist, if your vet can recommend one.  Start here:

There are many things that can cause changes to the eye, and I'm only guessing from your description.  He really needs in-person examination, diagnosis and treatment by a good rabbit vet/ophthalmologist.  But be assured that this is not normal, and--especially if the lesion is growing--it needs immediate treatment.

Hope this helps.
