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rabbit weeing on the couch

22 11:11:21

everytime i let my rabbit out she likes to jump on the couch and have me stroke her.Unfort.she then starts to try and 'dig' then wees on the couch.How can i prevent this behaviour.She is female about 5 months old.  

Dear Pauline,

At the age of 5 months, she's just reaching sexual maturity and is exerting her territorial right to mark her stuff--including you and the couch!  For the moment, cover the couch with a water-resistant pad when she's likely to jump up.  You can deodorize the wee already there with white vinegar, and rinse well with a wet-vac, if possible.

Once she's about 6-8 months old, she can be spayed, and this will go a long way towards curbing her marking and sexually-based behaviors.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps!
