Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Hay or Grass?

Hay or Grass?

22 11:11:18

Hello Samantha,
My almost 3 month old New Zealand White rabbits aren't eating hay. I tried buying different kinda of hay but nothing works. Although, when I offered them some fresh grass, they loved it! Can I replace their hay supply woth grass instead? Or should I get them to eat some hay?

Grass is ok, as long as you wash it first. Try buying them fresh hay from a farm or something. A lot of rabbits don't like that prepackaged stuff. Also have you tried the compressed timothy hay cubes or cylinders? These work well for some rabbits that don't seem to like hay. Sometimes young rabbits don't eat hay as readily as older rabbits, so it may be such thing that they will eat more and more as they age.