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Rabbits habits

22 11:37:37

I am new to raising rabbits, I rescued a mom and her newborn baby from my local animal shelter this past summer.  I am pretty sure they are both female.  I base this on what little experience I have in sexing them.  I also assume since there are no more babies, the baby is female.  The 2 bunnies are housed together in a very big cage.  My problem is that they are somehow spraying their urine everywhere.  The bedding that I use is also being thrown out of the cage.  I end up having urine all over my walls, floor, and anything else that is near the cage. This is a daily problem I have.  I am very diligent in cleaning the cage, at least every 6 to 7 days.  I have tried everything from using less bedding to using more.  I don't know what else to try.  Any ideas or suggestions will be very helpful.  

Well, there is really only one solution to the spraying issue - get the rabbits neutered.  Spraying is a hormonal activity, both males and females do it.  And as you have discovered, they can spray a whole lot.

The mother should already be old enough to spay.  The baby will have to wait until he or she is old enough.

However, if she is nursing the baby, you will need to wait until the baby is weaned, somewhere between 6-8 weeks of age.

I have found that plastic drop cloths around the cage can help contain the splatter, so you aren't washing the walls and floors all the time.  

I know that isn't the answer you'd like, but at least now you know what is causing the behavior.
