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New born bunny.

22 10:01:39

My rabbit had her first litter of kits on Friday night, Pixie has left them for dead and all of them have died but one, right now i have the little thing in a sock down my top in my bra, ive been to the Vet and he gave me different size syringes, and i am feeding her/him as much as i can, is that right?
also he/she when i feed is blowing little bubbles out of its nose, does this mean i'm giving it to much? or what? he looks like he is wanting food he has his mouth open trying to find the syringe. How often do i need to feed a new born? he is making crying noises now.
Also when i went to the hutch this Morning the babies where stone cold, i lost one, but the other one is now back to pink and is doing ok, i want to keep him alive.
I need help.

Hi Allanah. You have a hard time ahead of you, but with luck you can do this. First it does sound like you are giving the little one too much milk to fast. You have to get a drop on the end of the syringe then touch the drop to the lips. You will need lots of paper towels and keep the edge of one at the tip of the nose so it grabs the milk that might go into the bunnies nose. Thy holding the bunny in a more upright position instead of on it's back. You will have to feed the little one often until it learns to drink the milk as it will be loosing most of it right now. However once it learns to suck those drops down things will go fast and the baby will get quite a bit of milk down in a short time. When that time comes you can probably get by feeding the little one 3-4 times per day. Mama rabbits only feed once or twice. Did your doe build a nest? If so, bring the nest inside and put the baby in it. Take him out to his mother, nest and all, and put him in the hutch with her tomorrow. Step back and wait to see if mama will jump in and feed him. You might get surprised. Rabbits don't often remember what happened with their litters and will go right back to taking care of them. If she feeds him, great. When he is finished take nest and all back into the house till later and try the same thing again. If she won't feed him give her time and try later. Keep the nest in the house as one baby in a nest can not usually keep itself warm and it will die of cold. This is about all I can tell you untill I find out if mama is going to feed or it will be up to you. I wish you well with this. Let me know how things are going.  Pat