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Leo, my baby girl bunny

22 10:12:48

Hi Dan,
I found this site, somehow.
So, my neighbor was giving away bunnies. I saw 2 babies, 6 wks old with the mom in the same cage. She was also nursing her new litter of one week old babies. The dad was seperated from her and them in another cage. I kept her, named her "Leo" and know nothing except that she is very cocky and likes things her way. She has little temper tantrums to come out of her cage. It is huge by the way.
I give her the Timothy hay, tried Walmart and Petco. It's expensive. More than cat food. I have a kitten and two senior cats who really dont mind her. The kitten will play with her and chase her a little but I am right there. I guess I am trying to get her excersize and she loves to run around the tile floors in the house. But she has chewed thru wires, tv, radios and loves to bite at cardboard and or paper.
I also give her the kibble with the mixture of stuff. FResh water in her bottle and she also drinks out of a bowl.
Every treat and chew toy I buy, and good ones... aren't good enough for her. Soooooooooo picky. Worse than me.
I really dont know if I need to get her a rabies shot, check for ear mites? Can I treat the mites myself?
I am unemployed and although buying the food is fine and bedding.... I called a vet to spay her -- 375.00 they said.

So, sorry to babble. I dont know anything about her or her breed. White with the red eyes. She is funny. My kitten chased her and she turned around and chased him right back, like a puppy. Her big eyes tho, I dont want the kitten to swat at her. Any help pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

   ( my email )

Hello Phyllis!
Well You sure have your hands full.
first off your bunny should get enough excersise in her cage  if you let her out she will enjoy the freedom, However I would be careful with the cats  even though they play when you are around its food to the cats it has been in history and is so now  they may not want to kill the rabbit and eat it but its is their nature, so be careful.
As for spaying her it is not nessessry due to you do not have a buck that will breed her so save your money.
you can go to a feed store ( look in the phone book for  one) and purchase rabbit food from them you will get a 50# bag for under $16.00 and it will last you for months try Purina or Mana Pro, I do not know where you live  but some places in the midwest have Bluebonnet, or even pen Pals these feed sare all great!.
put pine cones in her cage so she can play & chew on them.
Rabbits teeth are always growing so they need to chew and grind at them this is why they are chewing on everything.
Yes you can treat ear mites ( if your rabbit has ear mites) You can place about 1 t. spoon of regular cooking ( Olive oil ) in the affected ear and let it soak in this will choke out the mites, which look like dried scabs, and it will clear up after a week or so. treat each day for 7 days.
good luck