Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Baby Rabbits & Their Tummies

Baby Rabbits & Their Tummies

22 9:44:53

I would like to ask a question. I have 2 baby bunnies, about a week old. Their eyes are slightly open. They are active but have big bellies that is why they cannot jump. What should I do? Should I remove them from their mama? Thank you for your response.

Dear Louise,

I am sorry for the delay, which was due to a very sad death in my family.

Are the babies all right?  If the mother is not stimulating them to urinate/defecate, they may be backed up, and you might have to help them.  Instructions can be found here:

But sometimes babies are born with congenital abnormalities that prevent them from defecating, and this can be a fatal disorder.  I hope this is not what has happened to your babies.

DO NOT remove them from mama.  Their only hope of survival would be with her, as long as she is caring for them.  If she isn't, then the instructions above can help you save them.  But by now, Nature has undoubtedly given you the answer.

I hope they are okay.

