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What is the proper dosage of toltrazuril to use?

22 9:39:51

Hi Dr. Krempels, thank you for your work regarding rabbits. I have read many of your informative articles and they've all been very helpful! In fact, in one of those articles you mentioned toltrazuril as being effective against coccidiosis. My son was recently given a rabbit from a breeder who we think may have a coccidiosis problem (just guessing, from my research). Our local vet thinks toltrazuril would be a good idea but isn't well versed enough to tell us exactly how much/often to give it. (we already bought a bottle). Can you help us with that? Also, is there a good place to find a vaccination or worming schedule? We'd like to head problems off before they start. (We also bought Ivomec.)Thanks!

Dear Jamy,

In Europe, people use toltrazuril at the dose of 2mg/kg once per day.  I have used ponazuril, a close chemical cousin of toltrazuril, to treat coccidiosis, and had to use a dose of 50mg/kg once a day for efficacy.  Ponazuril is much more expensive than toltrazuril (it's sold as Marquis by Bayer), but is apparently more benign than toltrazuril (which is not all that dangerous, either, used as directed).

Be sure to disinfect all things the bunny comes in contact with, to be sure any resistant coccidial cysts don't survive to re-infect.  You can do this while she is on the treatment, and continue to keep things very clean through the entire 7 day course.  

Hope this helps.
