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baby rabit care

22 11:11:38

I bottle fed a baby rabbit for 10 days, but it died. I USED THE RIGHT FORMULA in the right amounts. I was going to get yogurt to put in the formula for the necessary bactria it needed, but did'nt get the chance. It always had a heating pad under it's cage at a constant temperature. What else could I have done? Also would it have been possible to determine the sex? I thought it was a boy. Thank You.

Hi Emily,
  Sorry about your bad news...sometimes,the reason for a young kit dying isn't how or what you fed it,but because it could have already been sick.  Did you find it? if it was regected by the mother,it most probably was sick therefore all your extreme efforts could not have saved it. How old was the kit? a newborn is very difficult to tell the sex until they are about 3-4 weeks old. the way to sex them is holding the baby belly up and the head away from you...hold the tail away from the vent area and gently squeeze the "private part" ...a female has slightly more of a slit being the vagina, a boy's part is a little more protruding with a more circular shape at the tip. This is hard to do,even for the pro's!
 I hope this helped....Elizabeth