Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit given bith but havent seen her with the babys

rabbit given bith but havent seen her with the babys

22 10:57:22

This morning i found that my rabbit had give birth, but one of the babies was dead and the vet told me to remove it. I have noticed that she hasnt even been in with them atall since the birth and i am worried that she isnt feeding them.

Rabbits only feed their babies once and occasionally twice a day.  They usually do it at night and you might never see it.  Just keep an eye on them and check the nest box everyday to see if there are any more dead babies.  If there are they will need to be removed immediately.

Rabbits don't sit in the nest box and you will rarely see them with the kits.  

If you have anymore questions please let me know.
