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Lionhead rabbit with head tilt on Baytril

22 9:52:02

Hi Dana,
I have been trying to do a lot of research on rabbits with head tilt and the best medications to have them on.  My 6 year old Lion Head rabbit- Dewie- recently developed head tilt and the vet put him on 3cc's of liquid Baytril 2x daily. We had blood work done and also had a Neuro profile about a week ago.  We have not received the Neuro profile results yet and the blood work showed a high kidney count which the vet said most likely resulted from severe dehydration- he thinks Dewie may have a middle ear infection.  We have been feeding our bunny Oxbow Critical Care 3-4 times daily as he will not eat his hay- we also give him lots of fresh veggies- kale, butter lettuce, carrots, carrot tops, herbs.. and some fruits- apples/bananas- he will nibble at these but he does not finish his servings.  He had been on Baytril for 1 week and the doctor decided to change his antibiotic to Chloramphenicol. Unfortunately, I was unable to speak with the doctor regarding this change, as he is out of the office for a couple days and failed to call me before he left to discuss this medication.  I've read that this medication can cause kidney damage and loss of appetite- I'm extremely scared to give him this- I've kept him on Baytril for now.  Do you know whether or not I should feel safe giving him to Chloramphenicol?? Is there another medication that would be better for his condition? Please help- I love my Dewie so much and am scared sick and I just feel like this vet doesn't care... Dewie gets so stressed going to the vet so I am scared to take him to another vet- as this is already the 2nd one he's seen.

Dear Lorynn,

I've not heard of kidney toxicity problems from chloramphenicol.  The drug is excreted via the kidneys, however.  So it is contraindicated in anyone who has kidney problems and cannot normally excrete the drug.  That might be what you had heard.  But if your bunny has normal kidneys, the chlor should be okay.

Still, I would ask about using dual-acting injectable Penicillin G Procaine/Benzathine for a problem like this.  Head abscesses often respond very well to this drug (INJECTABLE ONLY!), as the bacteria reponsible for infections like this are often associated with the mouth, and tend to be sensitive to penicillin.  Please see:


I hope this will help.
