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Broken Toe

22 10:17:00

Hi Amy,I am in Australia. I am a breeder just starting out,we were bathing my daughters rabbit and noticed his inside toe was very limp and i can feel bone grinding which indacates to me it is broken,he is hopping around but kicks as he is moving,i haven't got much money but should i take him to the vet or will it be ok..i am very upset about this as vets are out of our price range..

If you can splint this area (which is hard to do on a rabbit just so you know as they will chew it and so on) that will help greatly.  If there is no broken skin, major swelling, redness or pain, then it is probably well on its way to be healed already, because rabbits are small they have a very high metabolism which means that they heal very fast.

Most breeders who have rabbits with broken toes treat it themselves. And don't feel bad, vets are very expensive in my area to.

I suggest googling a search on rabbits broken toe, and check out breeders sites for the best information.

Good Luck