Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Eye problem

Eye problem

22 9:59:43

Well I have a bunny and 2 days ago I picked him up from the Gage and saw that he has an eye infection it had like this thick white layer of white stuff well I cleaned his eye white warm water and now the white stuff is gone but he can barely open his eye and around his eye is well not inside the eye but the outer layer of his eye is pink can you tell me any over the counter medicine I can give him before I take him to the vet? Also is it contagious because I have 6 more bunnies? Please answer me asap!!!!!!!!! Please


It may be a severe case of conjunctivitis (blockage of the tear duct) or he may have injured his eye and it now infected due to the injury. In either case, you will need to take him to a veterinarian for treatment. There is nothing over the counter for rabbits that I am aware of that would help. At any rate, you should take him as soon as possible. I would keep him away from your other animals to prevent the infection from spreading.
