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difficulty in labor

22 10:03:29

sorry to bother on a sunday, there is not a vet here for me to get .  My 4-H rabbit went into labor.   I left her alone but when I cam ehome form church this morning she had a yellow foul discharge.  My mom checked her and the baby was a breech and had died.  We were able to get it out of her but is there anyhting else we can do for her.  I think she has more inside ..will she pass them or do we keep checking?   Thank you for your time.  

Dear Rance,

Uterine discharge should not be yellow and foul-smelling.  This worries me that she might have a uterine infection, in which case the babies could be badly affected, too.

There is nothing you can really do without a good rabbit vet except to keep an eye out for any more trouble. There is no guarantee that other babies will be breech births, but if she has a uterine infection, her contractions may not be normal or strong enough for her to deliver the babies.

You will need to get her to a good rabbit vet as soon as humanly possible to save her life:

If this really is a uterine infection, antibiotics will be necessary, and it would be kindest to spay her, so she doesn't have this problem in the future.  She can then be a pampered house rabbit, litterbox trained and a member of the family, as she should be.  Please see:

for more information.  And for all the best rabbit information, visit:

I hope she will be okay, but you need to get her to a vet NOW.
