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my n.z. rabbit

22 11:34:34

my brother and i show rabbits in 4 h and this year my brother ended up with 2 boys. they wernt making any prophet so he began "loaning one out" to peopel who only had does.
about a mounth ago he came back to us with sore hocks and his bottom was FILTHY.
his vints and utris area are sowlen and coverd with poop, not to mintion the smell!!!
we've been treeting the sore hocks with hopes that when the swelling and bleeding went down it would help his bottom. it didnt. we hahe been washing it and putting a & d ointment on it but it hasnt helped.
what should i do?

If is still showing signs of runny poop in addition to the sores on his bottom he may have coccidiosis which is a parasite (worm) that should be treated by a vet.  If the runny pooping has stopped, but he still has the sores, I would try washing him once a day, maybe even shaving the area so that air can get to the sores and leave the area dry.  You can try a little Medicated Gold Bond powder, but ointments keep the area wet and don't let air help the rash/sores dry out.

If this goes on for more than a few days, I would suggest having a vet look at the bunny.

Thanks for your question.
