Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit not eating normally

Rabbit not eating normally

22 9:52:02


Am kind of worryed about my big rabbit she is 2years old. For about 3-4days now she has stoped eating her dry food and hay but she will eat her greens..She is still cleaning herself and pooing fine being herself.. I have put water into her dry food to make it soft but shes not even looking at it.. I don't really know what to do am going to take her to the vet on monday but kind of want to know if theres something wrong right now.

Thank you

Dear Roxanne,

If she is still eating her greens, it's probably not a life-threatening emergency.  But do ask the vet to check her molars for spurs.  These can cause enough pain/irriation to make her go off her normal eating habits.  Please see:

Also see:

for instructions on how to tell if your bunny is sick, and what to do in an emergency.

Hope this helps.
