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Preventing fleas and ticks on rabbit

22 9:46:45

Hello Julia,

I have a 12 month old Holland lop rabbit that lives outside in a hutch. It is around 50-70 degrees right now and I am worried about her getting fleas/ticks/ear mites. She lives outside year round. She scratches her ears alot but I haven't seen any fleas or ticks on her...I was wondering if you have any suggestions to help prevent them? I have heard people have used advantage on their rabbits and that it is safe. I clean and disinfect her hutch every few weeks. My rabbit weighs about 4lbs. Also she is my only rabbit so she isn't around any other animals. If you know any way that I could prevent her from getting fleas and ticks please let me know!


There is NO approved preventative for rabbits. I have heard people say they have used a kitten flea medicine on their pets before. The most we ever do is use listerine straight down the spine if you think she may be getting any ear mites or anything. Just a small syringe of listerine squirted right down the back is all we do if needed. We really never have a problem with fleas or ticks. Ear mites have only been a problem when they got them from a rabbit at a show we went to.
Good luck with your bunny; and make sure you keep her cool this summer! Heat is deadly to bunnies. A frozen water bottle or plastic milk jug filled with water and frozen is great for them to lay against when it gets hot.