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Rabbit refuses to use potty box

22 9:43:03

Have a lop eared rabbit who is older (8 yrs) and she has stopped using her potty box since coming home from a rabbit sitters while we were on vacation.  There was another rabbit (male) there at the time she was there.

Has she developed some hormonal issues now that she is back home?  She is pooping and peeing everywhere.  Is she marking her territory?  What can we do to get her back to her normal trained self?

Thank you for any advise you may have for us.

Male bunnies around female bunnies means your rabbit is just wanting a mate if you know what i mean!
Clean your whole home or spray something like febreez to mask the male smell.dab water on her nose.And wherever she's peeing and pooping put white vinegar in that spot.Also put her own poos into her litter box.

best bunny wishes!