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Rabbit Peeing clear after being neutered!

22 9:53:17

Today I had my two Holland Lop bunnies neutered and they are doing fine but i am concerned because one of them is peeing completely clear. Normally it is a orange color but not anymore. I am wondering if this is just because of the surgery and will return to normal soon or if I need to be concerned.
Thank you for your time!

Dear Logan,

I would wait another day or two, and if this continues, please contact the vet.  Very clear, copious urine can signal a problem with the kidneys, especially if the bunny is drinking excessively.  I've never heard of renal problems resulting from a neuter, but if there is an infection, this could be compromising the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine normally.

If you suspect there is an infection (bunny would be more quiet than usual, and might exhibit signs of pain, such as moving in an unusual way or straining to urinate), then you should not wait to get him to the vet.  A kidney infection (rare, but not impossible) must be treated immediately to avoid permanent damage to the kidneys.

I hope this helps.
