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VHD Vaccine

22 9:49:14


First of all, thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I recently adopted a rabbit from a couple who could no longer care for her. Before the adoption took place they took her to the vet to make sure she was healthy and apparently the vet gave her the first VHD vaccine, and told the previous owners she needed a booster shot 3 weeks after. They could did not relay this information to me, and I am just finding out about it a few months later. So, I am wondering how this will affect the rabbit, and how I can make sure she can now get the proper vaccination.

Thanks for your time.

Dear Nicole,

As we don't have the vaccine here in the U.S., I am not familiar with its protocol.  There should not be major harm done.  The purpose of booster vaccines is to subject the body to the antigen so that it will generate antibodies and immunity.  

I would suggest that you get bun to a rabbit-savvy vet as soon as possible to ask about what you should have done regarding any further boosters for bun.
