Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Miniature Bunny Died

Miniature Bunny Died

22 10:40:42

We purchased a miniature bunny one week ago.  We bought a wire style cage that had a sliding floor for easy cleaning.  Everything was fine with the bunny but about two days ago she started climbing up the side of her cage.  She would then fall back onto her back or head or whatever.  She did this over and over again.  She got plenty of time outside of her cage also.  Her cage was clean and she had plenty of food and water.  She was 7 weeks old.  Her food was pellets and timothy hay.  This evening we found her lying in her cage with her head down.  She couldn't walk properly.  We thought possibly she injured herself with her falling all the time.  Could she have given herself a concussion or broken something?  We are all heartbroken about this.  Please give us your opinion on why she may have died.  
Thank you,

Dear Jackie,

I am very sorry about the tragic loss of your bunny.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know why she died without a necropsy.  It might have been related to her climbing and falling--or it might have been something completely different.

If you wish to have a necropsy done, you can find a good rabbit vet here:

I am very sorry.
