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injured orphan newborn bunny

22 11:19:26

My sister and I have taken in a very young Rabbit that still needs to be hand fed and it is very badly injured. Our father accidently hit it in the head with a wire when using the weed wacker and it has some head damage. We believe there is possible internal bleeding in its head. I know exactly what im doing because i work with animals but i was wondering if you had any suggestions.

Dear Cassandra,

I'm sorry about the accident with the baby.  You say you know exactly what you're doing, but you don't say *what* you're doing, so I can't really offer any additional suggestions if I don't know what's already been done.

If he has a very serious head injury, his chances of survival are slim, especially if you think there may be bleeding inside the skull.  Keep him warm (hot water bottle wrapped in a towel is good, and will not likely overheat him) and quiet, and observe for a few hours.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

If he does survive, then please feel free to use this to help him to grow and be released:

Good luck,