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weeping wound

22 11:14:43

We have a young rabbit that we purchased at the fair about a month ago--probably 6-10 weeks old.  I noticed a clumb in her fur about a week ago and thought it must have been some poop that got stuck.  Now it is weeping and the area around it is hard.  She still eats and drinks, but seems very thirsty all the time.  We're not sure what caused it or what we should do with it.  I put bacitracin on it and covered it with a bandage.  Can you help us?  Thanks, Jennifer Seamons

It is most likely an abcess, she could have gotten bitten before you got her and now it is infected.  It'd really be best to take her to a rabbit-knowledgeable vet to have the abscess drained, and then get antibiotics to clear up the infection.

You can read more about abscesses at
