Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Female or male?

Female or male?

22 11:31:06

Hello, i am a little confused about my rabbits sex because today my supposed female rabbit mounted my dog. When we bought her they told us she was a female also when we took her to the vet the vet told us she was female. Is mounting normal in females or could it be that she might be a he. I'd appreciate any advice you can give me on this issue. thank you so much.

Dear Jessica,

Female rabbits, once they reach sexual maturity, will often mount "members of the family" in an effort to exert dominance, and also due to sexual frustration.  You can make sure she's female with the help offered here:

But if she is female, it's time to have her spayed.  This will alleviate the behavior, and will protect her from the very high risk that unspayed, unbred female rabbits have of getting uterine adenocarcinoma (cancer) and mammary tumors.  You can read more about this here:

and find a good, experienced rabbit vet (you really do need one, as dog/cat vets are usually not experienced enough with rabbits to do a good spay or neuter) here:

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any othe questions.
