Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Leg


22 10:49:27

My bunny has what we think is a broken leg. But, he seems perfectly healthy. There is no swelling whatsoever. He doesn't seem to mind that he can't walk on that leg. Should we still take him to a vet of is he fine?

Dear Mary,

If the baby is not using the leg, then it may indeed be broken.  But just because he's acting fine, do not assume that he is.  Rabbits, as prey species, are the KINGS of masking pain.  They instinctively "know" that if they show weakness, they will attract a predator.  

A broken bone is as painful in a baby rabbit as it would be in a human, and that means EXTREMELY PAINFUL. Not only that, but the leg will act as a nidus (center) for infection, and if the leg is not stabilized and the bunny treated with any medications the vet deems necessary, there could be life-threatening complications.

If you love your bunny (and I'm sure you do), then you will get him to a good rabbit vet NOW for emergency stabilization of the leg, and any other treatment that the vet thinks is necessary.  You can find a good vet here:

I know you'll do the right thing as soon as humanly possible.

Good luck,
