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multiple rabbits with gi stasis in same household

22 9:55:46

Hi Dana, first I have nearly memorized your article on gi stasis over the years. Thank you! I am going crazy-- after years of few to no problems, all four of my rabbits (the bonded pair upstairs and the bonde pair downstairs) have had gi stasis in the past few weeks. In many cases a couple of days apart. The senior bun (9 years) passed away in August after just slightly not eating as much (I took him to the vet twice in two months, and she sent him home, only to not not make it through the night). His partner was pulling the same thing, though some gi first aid (simethicone, critical care, pedialyte) got her back to almost normal for the past two weeks. Then on Sunday the male rabbit downstairs went into stasis- we took him to the vet, no obstruction so we gave him subq fluids, baytril, critical care and a lot of simethicone. He has been back to normal since Monday. Tonight his partner didn't come out for dinner, we found her hiding/lethargic and she is quarantined, doing better with gi first aid, including baytril just in case. What the hell is happening? Their diet is excellent: oxbow, an array of mixed greens and fresh hay daily, no treats. Could something be spreading through the house? We did a fecal test on the upstairs girl: no problems. The girl upstairs has had little sneezes/wheezes for years, so in early Sept we gave her 10 days of antibiotics--she's still doing it, though the eye crists aren't as bad. The downstairs bunnies show no such symptoms.So I'm thinking we're possibly spreading something or something environmental--nothing has changed though, no new cleaeners or construction. The thing about these afflictions is they come on VERY suddenly-- like she ate perfectly and was running around this morning, at 7pm she was like a different bunny, in pain. She is drinking A LOT tonight though as she is (hopefully, seemingly) recovering. Any ideas? I considered pasteurella or coccydia? This is getting expensive/scary.

Dear Jenny,

GI stasis is a symptom, not a disease, as you already know.  So the important thing is to determine what is triggering these bouts of GI stasis.  They may not even be related among the rabbits.  It could be different things entirely, so don't necessarily look for one common thread.

I would get the unwell bunny to a good rabbit vet ASAP for a complete wellness check including looking deep into the mouth for molar spurs, listening to lungs and heart, and also bloodwork to be sure kidneys and liver are normal.  

If you think it's something in the environment, detective work time! If there haven't been any pesticides sprayed or new cleaning products in the house, then fumes from other things might be involved (overly strong scented candles can make bunnies feel sick).

Most importantly, when a bunny is sick like this, you need to take her temperature.  Instructions can be found here:

I hope this will help you get to the root of the problem.
