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Rabbits as pets

22 10:29:39

We have a small hobby farm (hoping to be a petting zoo at some point) Right now we have dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, goats on June 21 and we would like to have bunnies.  My question is can rabbits be kept in the barn with these other animals, even together for company, and still be good pets.  I had read somewhere that rabbits need to be in the house for human companionship but that is not possible as our Lab could not get used to the rabbits (we tried)
Thanks for any help you can give.

hello Linda

Personally i wouldn't put rabbits in with all of them different animals as the bunnies could get very hurt or even killed. Rabbits do need company but the best solution would be to get a few bunnies and keep them together.

Rabbits dont need to be indoors for human companionship they can be outdoors and still get as much love and attention.

hope this is some help
