Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbits fur colour is changing in some spots

My rabbits fur colour is changing in some spots

22 10:47:09

My rabbit sniffles is 1 years old. Ive had her since she was a baby. In some spots her fur is a darker color. I was curious to know why its like that.


It's really hard to tell without seeing her. Do you know what breed and variety (color) she is?

It might be that is simply her body color. Not all rabbits are a solid color. Here are some examples: (Holland Lop - Solid, Tortoise variety) (Mini Lop - Broken, Chinchilla variety)

It's likely just her color. Some breeds change color as they age. As long as the darker areas look normal, I wouldn't worry about it.