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baby rabbit has cloudy eyes

22 9:45:43

i have a mouth old rabbit he is eating fine still getting milk from mother and fresh vegs but i have noticed that he has cloudy eyes he is her runt i don't think he sees that good i think he is just going on smells i am worried that he might be blind in his eye i cant remove him from his mother since he isn't old enough to take to the vet could he be blind or born with cataracts

He might have a congenital problem, or he might have a corneal infection that should be treated to save his vision.  Bring mama and baby both to a good rabbit vet:

It might be something very easy to treat.  And at least you'll know for sure once the vet examines and diagnoses the problem.  

Don't disregard this, though.  Babies have a critical period when the neurological connections for proper vision are formed, and if vision is not perfect during this time, normal vision might not develop.  So it's important to have this seen as soon as possible.

I hope all will be fine.
