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Wet Tail In Rabbit?

22 9:40:02

What can CAUSE wet tail in rabbits? My 2 1/2 year old Holland Lop has wet tail and I would like to know how I can treat it and what had caused it in the first place.
He has urine all over his bottom and stomach, he won't drink water but is eating fine. When I looked it up, it said they would have loose stool but he doesn't have that its just urine all over him. Its not a different color or anything like that, it looks normal. Is than an emergency thing too? And should I take him the vet?
I would really appreciate it if you could give me some help because I really love this bunny!

Dear Lauren,

"Wet tail" is not a good medical term, as it really doesn't describe what's going on here.

Urine leakage can be caused by any number of things, from urinary sludge to bladder stones to urinary tract infection.  Please see:

and get bun to an experienced rabbit vet:

who can do imaging and blood work to get to the source of the problem.  Only then can proper treatment be prescribed.

Hope this helps.
