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blood and shunken testicles

22 10:14:14

its about 300 am i found our 2 yr old dwarf lop buck not nuetered, sitting in clear liquid, his testicles shrunken and covered in blood. he is not acting himself usually very active and athletic. he did just poop the largest poop i ever saw him make as well.i cant find a vet at 3 am who sees bunnies.

Dear Todd,

This is extremely strange.  Did another rabbit have access to him?  Males will often fight and will go right for each other's testicles.  

If the clear liquid is urine, then I would suspect he may have a severe urinary tract problem (a bladder stone, bladder sludge or urinary tract infection) making him feel so bad that he's sitting in his own urine and not moving away.  His testicles may be shrunken in a stress response, as these can be retracted into the body when the bunny is frightened or very stressed.

Please read this for emergency help:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Only the vet will be able to determine what's really wrong, but it might help for you to read this before you go:

I hope he'll be fine.  Please let me know, if you have time.
