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Bunny acting strange. Pregnant?

22 9:57:50

I love my rabbits very much (I watch and play with them every day for about 3 or 4 hours (No joke)) Anyways we bought a bunny a few weeks ago and thought that the cage wasnt enough room so we bought her a hutch and there was enough room for 2 bunnies so I got another one (as the rabbit lover that i am). They are both around the same age (7 months) The owner told us that they had bred their rabbits and given the parents away with the babies but kept one baby (the one that I have) and that "suprisingly" they were all girls. They told us that the sexing of the rabbits were done by an expert. Well they must have sexed them too early to tell because the one we got was a male. When we checked after, we knew it was a male for sure. The two rabbits were together for about a day before we seperated them. So now the female is pregnant but then she started pulling fur on day 4. Then she stopped and now she is pulling fur again at day 13. Her mood has changed greatly and tries to nip me when i want to pet her. Shes alot more sleepy during the day and relaxed like i mean she just flops on her side and sleeps. Shes been spending alot more time in the nest box now. They are seperated now and she has a nest box but i dont know for sure whether she is pregnant. Please help.

Dear Josee,

It's almost impossible to tell if she's pregnant, and you can hope that she's having a false pregnancy.  But here's some help, just in case:

If she doesn't feed any babies she has (she is very young, and young mothers are sometimes not very good mothers), then this might help:

You can find a vet here to help:

But most importantly, please read:

If you are worried that your female bunny might be sick, please see:

Hope this helps.
