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allergic to rabbits

22 10:37:05

My son has wanted a rabbit for years and i am allergic would a short haired rabbit be better for me and my allergies and also were would you get one. Thank you very much sincerely, Chari Torello.

Dear Chari,

It's not likely that a short-haired rabbit would be any less irritating to someone who is allergic to rabbits, though you'll sometimes hear breeders claim that.  Allergies are usually triggered by proteins from saliva on the fur.  Although short-haired rabbits shed a little less fur than long-haired ones, they are still not dander-free.  I would not take the risk of adopting a bunny, only to find that you must give him up because of your allergies.

I'd suggest that your son be encouraged in his love of rabbits, by perhaps volunteering to help with a local rabbit rescue group:

and when he's old enough to choose his own pet and is on his own and out of the house, he may choose to have a rabbit of his own.  But for now, your health should be a primary concern.

I hope this helps.
