Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny has the collarbone fracture!!!

My bunny has the collarbone fracture!!!

22 9:58:19

Hello Dr Dana...My name is Melissa and I have a beautiful bunny like a pet,the problem is that yesterday in the night she broke her collarbone....At this moment,we don't understand how this happen,we take her with the doctor and they fix her broke part and put a cast,but we don't know how much we can do...I mean we are completely sad because she is so important for us...and we need to know what else we can do...
She is 4 month and her name is Cottie.
Please if you have a change or a little moment for answer me I really,really appreciate it.
Thank you so much.

Melissa L.

Dear Melissa,

Well, if the vet has stabilized the bone, there's not much more you can do except wait for the bone to heal.  Please do ask the vet about pain meds.  While NSAIDs are usually contraindicated for bone fractures (as they can impede healing), it might help her stay more comfortable to have some Tramadol, a synthetic opiod.

In the meantime, just spoil her and love her and give her lots of comfort.  That she knows you are there to support her will make her feel confident and help speed her recovery.

I hope she gets completely well soon!
