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My Rabbit Is Bleeding?

22 10:34:10

I Have A Male Rabbit And I Today I Noticed Blood On His Willy, What Could This Be?  Also Because He Is Bleeding Could It Be A Boy Of Girl?  

Daer Molli,

Blood on the genitals is not normal, and is probably worth a trip to the vet.  If the rabbit is an unneutered male, he may be mounting things inappropriately and hurting his willie.  If bun is an unspayed female, things could be more serious, as uterine cancer is a high risk in such rabbits.  The most common sign is bleeding from the vulva.

It's also possible that the bunny has a urinary tract problem causing the bleeding:

In any case, I'd get him/her to the vet ASAP for a complete checkup, and be sure to tell the vet about the blood.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

It's important to find a vet who is familiar with rabbit medicine, and doesn't simply treat them as if they were a dog or cat.  Their veterinary needs are very different.

Hope this helps.
