Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit - loss of hair

rabbit - loss of hair

22 11:34:54

one of our rabbits has loss of hair.  He has thinning hair on his shoulder area and complete loss of hair around front feet/joint area.  What can we get to treat this problem?  Would prefer to get something over the counter.

Dear C.

Unfortunately, there are no safe over-the-counter remedies for what your bunny probably has:  fur mites (Cheyletiella sp.) and mange mites (Sarcoptes sp.).  Please read the following for full information on proper diagnosis and treatment of abnormal fur loss in rabbits:

There are pictures so you can compare what your bunny has to what these ectoparasites cause.  The condition is miserable and itchy, so please do get him some good relief from the vet.  Over-the-counter remedies are not cheap, but they do NOT work.  Revolution (selamectin) from your vet is really the only good way to treat this, and it's worth the initial expense to get it right, and not throw good money after bad on useless over-the-counter remedies.

DO NOT use Frontline, as it can be deadly to rabbits.

To find a good rabbit vet in your area, please use the referral list linked here:

Hope that helps!
