Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is my rabbit really expecting?

Is my rabbit really expecting?

22 9:43:17

Your question: "I have a couple of french angora rabbits 8 months old, i seprated them at the age of 5 az told be doctor ... She showed some pregnancy symtoms like agression and pulling fur ... But she didnt gave birth to any kit & i came to knw about false pregnancy ......."
I put them together again for more then 10 dayz and seperated a month ago ... She started pulling fur 5 dayz ago but no delivery till now .... Can this also be false pregnancy ?? Please help


I am having a hard time understanding all of your question but I see that you are from India so I will attempt to help you.

When you are breeding rabbits you need to take the doe to the bucks cage and put them together.  You watch them and if he does his job he will fall over.  Sometimes they curl up in a ball and sometimes they make a squealing noise.  After that you separate them.  You should not leave 2 rabbits together unless they are spayed/neutered and properly bonded.  If they were left together her due date could be anywhere from 28 - 32 days from the day you put them together.  If they were housed in the same cage for 2 weeks you have to add 2 weeks on to that.  There is no way to tell if she is going to have babies and all you can do is put a nest box in and wait.  Had you only left them together for a short time you would know that after 32 days if there were no babies then they could be rebred.

Do you know anyone that breeds rabbits on a regular basis for a farm or for show rabbits?  Most people that breed all the time for commercial purposes know how to palpate does.  You should see if you could get someone to teach you.  It makes it a lot easier to know if they are bred or not.  There is no point looking at web-sites to learn how to palpate you really have to get your hands on a pregnant rabbit to know what to feel for.

I wish I had a better answer for you.  

Good luck
