Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is my rabbit really expecting (Full question)

Is my rabbit really expecting (Full question)

22 9:43:16

QUESTION: I have a couple of french angora rabbits 8 months old, i seprated them at the age of 5 az told be doctor ... She showed some pregnancy symtoms like agression and pulling fur ... But she didnt gave birth to any kit & i came to knw about false pregnancy ......."

ANSWER: Hello.
If you have really seperated them 3 months ago?
Your rabbit is not expecting.
The gestation for rabbits is 28-31 days.
Therefore she could not have been bred.
I cant explain her behavior.
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: "Your question: "I have a couple of french angora rabbits 8 months old, i seprated them at the age of 5 az told be doctor ... She showed some pregnancy symtoms like agression and pulling fur ... But she didnt gave birth to any kit & i came to knw about false pregnancy ......."
I put them together again for more then 10 dayz and seperated a month ago ... She started pulling fur 5 dayz ago but no delivery till now .... Can this also be false pregnancy ?? Please help"

Hello There
It could be False pregnancy, I dont know. Some over weight Rabbits have done this to me in the past.
I never leave rabbits together while breeding . I  put them together for a few minutes & watch & see if the doe accepts the buck & if the buck gets on the doe & finishes the breeding by falling off. I watch carefully if this happens & then I sepertate them, in about 30 min I do this again, and in another 30 min I do it again this has been the very best way to consistantly get a doe bred.
If she does not accept the buck & he does not fall off her she was not bred.
then try it again in 1 day until she accepts.
this method will help out with the false pregnancy
Good luck