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Need to put weight on a thin rabbit

22 11:23:48

I have a Flemish Giant, about 4 years old or so, who is underweight and needs some weight put back on him. He eats well but is still quite skinny(he loves organic papaya and organic banana chips). His stools are normal and he is urinating as he should.

Any help is appreciated!



Dear Meg,

You don't mention whether this weight loss is a recent thing, due to illness, or just a chronic condition.  If it's chronic, then he needs bloodwork from your rabbit vet:

to determine whether his kidneys are functioning well. Renal disease can result in chronic wasting.

A bunny who is not sufficiently hydrated also can seem underweight, so be sure he has access to a very large bowl of clean, fresh water at all times.  A sipper bottle isn't sufficient to promote healthy drinking.  

You can go here:

to see what a healthy rabbit diet should consist of.  Remember that if this is a BIG bunny, that he should be getting unlimited, good quality alfalfa-based pellets until he gains sufficient weight.  Then gradually cut back the quantity so he doesn't become overweight.  He also should be getting unlimited timothy (or other grass--not alfalfa) hay for good dental health.

Do you notice that he actually is eating a good quantity, or  only that he seems to have a good appetite?  A bunny with dental problems will often be eager to eat, but the pain of dental problems prevents him from really eating enough food to maintain proper weight.  You can read more about this here:

I hope some of this helps give some clues about what's going on, and how you can correct it.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
