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Blue eye bunnies

22 10:15:00

Hi, I have a few questions regarding rabbits w/ blue eyes.  First of all, I know that rabbit's eyes comes in 3 colors right? Blue, brown, and red (pinkish)?  Anyway, from my observations on rabbits in the past, I have come to realize that I see more of brown and red eyes compared to blue eyes.  Are blue eye rabbits uncommon compared to the other colors?

My second question: Does blue eye rabbits only come in white color fur?  I realized the few amount of blue eyes I saw only have white fur, or white w/ other combinations of colors.

My third question: Can a rabbit's eyes be fully blue? If so, is it rare? I saw like 3 blue eye rabbits out of like a hundred, and most, if all, have blue mix w/ the color gray in their eyes.

I have 2 bunnies at home. One is some type of dwarf. she is all white w/ blue eyes (very pretty!).  I'm starting to think she is rare because i hardly see any pure white bunnies w/ blue eyes.  I might be wrong though. When i bought her, i was certain that i did not want any bunnies w/ red eyes because it scares me. Out of like nearly 10 pure white rabbit i saw, she was the only one with blue eyes =)

sorry for asking so much. I was just thinking of my bunny when all these questions popped on my mind

hi pauline blue eyed rabbits are not rare , it all boils down to genetics and you have to know the rabbits family tree to know what will be produced. mainly dwarfs have blue eyes erime rex usually have red eyes.
i dont hink rabbits have eyes that are fully blue, they are usuallyu a mixture.