Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Do rabbits ears pop with elevation changes?

Do rabbits ears pop with elevation changes?

22 9:50:43

Since I live at a higher altitude, when I drive anywhere my ears pop. I was wondering if my bunny's ear pop too? How could you tell if they have not and what should you do to help them?

Dear Linda,

The rabbit ear is relatively similar in construction to that of any other mammal, so there's no reason to think that the pressure changes affecting your ear won't also affect your bunny's.  

Unfortunately, there's no way to tell bun to swallow or give him some gum to chew.  You might be able to prevent the problem by providing him with some fresh, wet herbs that he'll have to chew and swallow.  The act of swallowing will briefly open the Eustacian tubes and allow the pressure difference on either side to equalize.

Hope that helps!
