Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit burrowing.

rabbit burrowing.

22 11:26:21

my rabbit is in my back garden and i have a lovely hutch for him with a large house and run underneath in grassy area.  he has just started burrowing but my garden isn't enclosed and i have foxes alot in my garden so i don't really want him to get out.  i was wondering whether there is anything i could do which may stop him burrowing.
many thanks

Rabbits burrow as an instinct and you cannot stop this activity.  What some people do is bury their fence about three feet into the ground to try to keep the rabbit in.  You might also try laying down some type of rubber sheeting about 3 feet wide and covering that with dirt or sod, this will keep the rabbit from digging too deep.
