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cat litter

22 9:48:07

My 10 lb head-tilt bunny ate cat litter earlier. He couldn't have been in the cat's box for more than a minute but by the time I realized it was him and not the cat in there, he was already munching on something. The box was just cleaned and contains scented Fresh Step non-clumping clay litter. It is Thanksgiving Day and the vet is closed. Are there any precautionary measures I can take? I have Sub-Q fluids as well as Laxatone here. He's been drinking and eating normally -- lots of hay, some timothy pellets, plus a few leaves of parsley. Please advise. Many thanks...

Dear Lollie,

Another good reason to replace all the litterbox filler in the house with pelleted pine sawdust litter.  

Unless he ate a LOT of litter, I would not worry too much.  Just push lots of oral liquid, wet, wet greens, and be sure he stays well hydrated in the intestines.  Things should pass through uneventfully.

But seriously, I would not use clay litters, even for the cat.  Just too much risk of intestinal problems.  Please also see:

Hope this helps.
