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Eye boogers.

22 9:53:59

Hi Dana, I have an adult Flemish Giant Rabbit that seems to have eye boogers but one eye is starting to miss hair around his eye.Im not sure what this is or what I should do about it. His cage is outside; not sure if that has any effect on his eyes. His eating habits are the same as always and has no other symptoms. Should I take him to a vet, or is there something I can do at home?
Thanks, Marissa

Dear Marissa,

This is a relatively common problem, and it usually indicates a blockage of the tear ducts.  This can happen for many different reasons, and one of the most common is explained here:

When we have a runny eye bunny who's losing fur, we usually try the most conservative course of action first, and then up the scale.  Of course, you'll need a good bunny vet to help you with all this:

1.  antibiotic/corticosteroid ophthalmic drops plus warm, moist compresses

2.  tear duct flush (saline/gentocin)

3.  get a partner for the bun who will groom the eyes and keep them clean.  (Believe it or not, this often works.  Though you must be careful to let your bunny choose his own mate:  rabbits are territorial, and unless bonding is done with patience and care, there can be bloody mayhem.)

Surgery is pointless in most cases, since even if a molar root is causing the narrowing of the duct, the bone scars around the removed tooth will probably remain even if the tooth is pulled.  And you certainly can't "core out" a delicate, mucous membrane-lined duct like this, although I have heard of at least one clueless vet who was planning to try this.  :(

You can find a rabbit-savvy vet here:

with whom you can discuss the options.  For now, try the warm, wet compresses (rub gently, and then dry with a soft cotton cloth/towel once or twice a day) to keep his face from becoming raw and sore.

Hope this helps.

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