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Malocclussion of Incisors

22 10:32:19

I was just at the vet with my very young rabbit tonight and she said that the teeth are overgrown and should be extracted. I am going to call another animal hospital tomorrow hoping that they can give me an estimated cost. She will also try to call them and see what they say. My question is, about how much can this cost? All 6 front teeth need to be removed and I know it will be expensive but I don't even have a ball park figure. Can you help? Or any other advice regarding this? Thanks!

Dear Kim,

The cost of surgery like this will vary with geographic location and with the specific veterinarian.  It will likely cost several hundred dollars, but beyond that I can't make a guess.

I hope it all works out well for you and your bunny.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps.
