Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Dry skin after spay

Dry skin after spay

22 10:32:19

Recently I got my two rabbits spayed and neutered (a week ago today).  On
the girl I've noticed her skin where they shaved off the fur is getting rather
dry, and where the skin rubs together (such as her inner thigh and her
stomach area) are getting a bit red and irritated.  Her skin is also flaking off
everywhere (especially around her incision but I assume that's normal for the
scab to flake off?)  Since her fur isn't really growing back in these spaces yet
I'm worrying that she'll create large sores from irritation.  The boy's skin is
also kind of dry around the incision but not as wide spread as hers.  Can I put
lotion on them?  Or is there something else I can do?  Thanks.

Dear Rachel,

It's possible that the stress of surgery allowed a subclinical population of fur mites to proliferate to levels where they are causing symptoms (e.g., "dandruff" and hair loss).  They sometimes don't itch, but they do cause the type of problem you describe.

For information about treatment, please see:

and ask your vet about diagnosing and treating this problem, which is best done in person.

Hope this helps.
