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Rabbit Glacoma???

22 11:35:28

Dr. Krempels-
We are rabbit sitting for my daughter's school room rabbit this
summer.  Thumper is a dwarf, Angora lop- very cute, and about
7-8 years old.  Last Friday when I picked him up at school the
teacher informed me that she had just discovered that he is
blind in one eye.  He had a slight white film on his right eye.  
Over the past week, the film had gradually gotten more opaque
and now covers the pupil.  The teacher thought it is due to the
aging process, I want to make sure.  Is there something I can do
for him?  Vitamins, diet, etc.?  He seems to get around get fine
and has been very energetic.  I look forward to hearing from


Dear Rebecca,

Rabbits can get glaucoma leading to cataracts.  But another type of cataract can show up quite suddenly, and these are associated with infection by a central nervous system/renal system parasite known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  If this were my bunny I would get him to a rabbit-experienced vet right away:

for diagnosis and prophylactic treatment for E. cuniculi with fenbendazole (Panacur):

(you can print that for the vet, if you wish).  The bunny might not have E. cuniculi, but the treatment is so safe and non-toxic, and manifestation of E. cuniculi symptoms are so common in rabbits of this age (7-9 years) that it might be a good idea to treat just as a precaution.  We use 20mg/kg once per day for four weeks.

Older rabbits also can get cataracts just from the aging process.  If he gets around well, there's nothing to really worry about.  But if it becomes troublesome and you're willing to spend some $$, a good veterinary ophthalmologist can actually remove the clouded lenses to restore vision, if not visual acuity.  We had this done to a very old bunny (Sister Mary Bernadette), and she lived three more years with good sight in both eyes!  :)

Hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
